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Ontario College Diploma (4 semesters)

Description: The Developmental Services Worker Alternate Delivery program is delivered as a combination of classroom/online video instruction, online courses, and field placement. This mode of delivery is appropriate for persons who are not able to commit to weekdays in the classroom and require flexibility when obtaining their education. Course credits and/or previous work experience may qualify participants for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR). Students with prior work-related experience and/or a related diploma or degree may be able to fast-track through the program and complete the program and complete the program in 2 or 3 semesters using the PLAR process and Advanced Standing.

Employment Opportunities: Developmental Service Worker graduates make a difference in the lives of children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families. According to Statistics Canada, more than 60,000 Ontarians have a developmental disability. Skilled and caring developmental services workers help these people to live, work, and participate in their communities as valued citizens. Our graduates have a comprehensive understanding of developmental disabilities, knowledge of teaching and training strategies, skills in the area of behavioural interventions, and the desire to help others that help them build a rewarding career in this social services field.

DSW graduates support children and adults with intellectual disabilities, autism, physical challenges, or other special needs. This can lead to a range of positions, including:
- Community support worker
- Educational/teaching assistant in a school
- Classroom assistant in a daycare centre
- Counsellor in a seniors’ program
- Residential counsellor
- Day program counsellor

Admission Requirements

For graduates of the new curriculum (OSS): Ontario Secondary School Diploma (30 credits) or equivalent or mature student status, including:
- Any grade 12 English (C), (U), or (M)
Recommended: computer competency in relevant software
- Any grade 11 math (C), (U), or (M)

For graduates of the old curriculum (OS:IS): Ontario Secondary School Diploma (30 credits) or equivalent or mature student status, including:
- Any 2 senior level English (general or advanced)
Recommended: computer competency in relevant software
- Any senior level mathematics (general or advanced)
- Biology (general or advanced) -NEW
- Sociology or Human Development -NEW
- Driver’s license -NEW

Additional Requirements:

- First Aid and CPR certification prior to entering the second year
- Non-violent Crisis Intervention prior to the end of second semester
- An up-to-date criminal record check is required prior to all field placements
- Agencies may not accept students with a positive Criminal Record Check
- Ability to participate in non-violent Crisis Intervention training
- Ability to assist individuals with developmental and other disabiliteis in all aspects of daily living as required, including lifting and transferring

Fieldwork/Placement: There will be field placements in the first and third semesters concurrent with classes. The fourth semester is a full-time placement. First Aid and CPR certification is required prior to the first semester placement. An up-to-date medical is required in addition to hepatitis “A” and “B” immunization, TB test, and tetanus shot prior to placement in first semester. Note: Some placement sites may require an influenza shot All of the above requirements must be maintained and current for the purpose of attending placements. Students with a positive criminal record check may be refused placement by agencies and school boards.

University Degree Opportunities:Graduates from this program may continue their studies at university and may receive credit for their prior College education. Refer to College/University Agreements at http://www.cambriancollege.ca for further information.

Tuition Fee (Canadian Students): The tuition fee for the 2013-2014 academic year is $3,576.80. Next year’s tuition fees will be available May 1, 2014.

Tuition Fee (International Students): The tuition fee for the 2013-2014 academic year is $12,837.00 for two semesters of study. Some exceptions apply. Next year’s tuition fees will be available May 1, 2014.

Books & Supplies: The estimated cost of books and supplies for 2013-2014 is approximately $2,000 for first year. This is the best information available at the time of publishing to the website and is subject to change.

    Semester 1

    ENG1003   –   002   –   College Communication
    DSW1000   –   001   –   Counselling and Group Dynamics
    DSW1115   –   003   –   Positive Behavioral Supports I
    DSW1117   –   003   –   Disabilities Strategies I
    DSW1125   –   002   –   Understanding Disabilities
    DSW1191   –   002   –   Field Work I
    HSC1136   –   003   –   Basic Nursing Skills
    PSY1135   –   003   –   Issues in Developmental Psychology
    GSC1001   –   002   –   Prepared for Success
    Semester 2

    ENG1242   –   003   –   Speaking/Writing Comm. Services I
    DSW1210   –   003   –   Community Employability Skills
    DSW1217   –   003   –   Disabilities Strategies II
    DSW1218   –   003   –   Positive Behavioral Supports II
    DSW1225   –   003   –   Crisis Management and Prevention
    DSW1230   –   003   –   Autism Spectrum Disorders
    HSC1236   –   003   –   Basic Nursing Skills II

    ANY 1

    GER2310   –   003   –   Dementia

    PSY1125   –   003   –   Positive Psychology
    Semester 3

    DSW1021   –   002   –   Pharmacology for Developmental Services Wor
    DSW1022   –   004   –   Field Work IIA
    DSW1023   –   004   –   Field Work IIB
    DSW2310   –   003   –   Dual Diagnosis Treatment & Assess
    DSW2316   –   003   –   Adult Issues and Advocacy
    DSW2317   –   003   –   Disability and Communication Systems
    DSW2330   –   003   –   Observation and Recording

    PSY1006   –   002   –   Cultural Psychology

    SCI1004   –   002   –   Human Sexuality
    Semester 4

    DSW2405   –   007   –   Field Work III
    DSW2495   –   008   –   Field Work IV



Filed under: Social Worker Courses in Canada Tagged: Adult Issues and Advocacy, Association of Canadian Community Colleges, Autism spectrum, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Basic Nursing Skills, best ontario colleges, best social worker community college in otario, best social worker program in canada, College Communication, Community Employability Skills, Counselling and Group Dynamics, Crisis Management and Prevention, Cultural Psychology, Disabilities Strategies, Disability and Communication Systems, DSW, Dual Diagnosis Treatment & Assess, Human Sexuality, Issues in Developmental Psychology, May 1 2014, Observation and Recording, Ontario, Ontario Secondary School Diploma, OSS :Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Pharmacology for Developmental Services Wor, Positive Behavioral Supports, Positive psychology, Speaking/Writing Comm. Services, study in best college in Canada, study in best community college in Ontario, Study in best community colleges in Ontarion Canada, study social worker courses in ontario, study social worker in canada, Tuition payments, Understanding Disabilities

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